David fighting Goliath. And winning.
When I first started working with Dental City, it had under 40 employees. Nine years later, the company has tripled in staff and made remarkable sales gains in a highly competitive industry valued at $7.6 billion. Together, we’ve figured out how to make the “little guys” stand out in an industry dominated by just three corporations. And my projects have included everything from an e-commerce site and packaging to hundreds of print pieces.

David fighting Goliath. And winning.
When I first started working with Dental City, it had under 40 employees. Nine years later, the company has tripled in staff and made remarkable sales gains in a highly competitive industry valued at $7.6 billion. Together, we’ve figured out how to make the “little guys” stand out in an industry dominated by just three corporations. And my projects have included everything from an e-commerce site and packaging to hundreds of print pieces.